% Encoding: UTF8 % Publications of Department of Cybernetics, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen in year 2004 (generated 2025-02-09 12:33:09) % 1 @INBOOK{MosnaJ_2004_Polynomial_1, author = {Mo\v{s}na, J. and Melichar, J. and Pe\v{s}ek, P.}, title = {Polynomial parametrization of multirate dead-beat ripple-free controllers}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Elsevier}, journal = {Control systems design 2003}, address = {Oxford}, pages = {307-312}, ISBN = {0-08-044175-0}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/MosnaJ_2004_Polynomial_1}, } % 2 @INBOOK{SimandlM_2004_Multigriddesignin, author = {\v{S}imandl, M. and Kr\'{a}lovec, J.}, title = {Multigrid design in point-mass approach to nonlinear state estimation}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Elsevier}, journal = {System identification 2003}, address = {Oxford}, pages = {1693-1698}, ISBN = {0-08-043709-5}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/SimandlM_2004_Multigriddesignin}, } % 3 @INBOOK{SimandlM_2004_Controllingof, author = {\v{S}imandl, M. and Le\v{s}ek, M.}, title = {Controlling of pension fund investment by using Bellman?s optimality principle}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Elsevier }, journal = {Control system design 2003}, address = {Oxford}, pages = {419-424}, ISBN = {0-08-044175-0}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/SimandlM_2004_Controllingof}, } % 4 @INBOOK{SimandlM_2004_Samplingdensity, author = {\v{S}imandl, M. and Straka, O.}, title = {Sampling density design for particle filters}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Elsevier }, journal = {System identification 2003}, address = {Oxford}, pages = {175-180}, ISBN = {0-08-043709-5}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/SimandlM_2004_Samplingdensity}, } % 5 @ARTICLE{ArnostR_2004_Alternativeapproach, author = {Arno\v{s}t, R. and \v{Z}ampa, P.}, title = {Alternative approach to continuous-time stochastic systems definition}, year = {2004}, journal = {WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems}, volume = {10}, pages = {2228-2234}, series = {3}, ISBN = {1109-2734}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/ArnostR_2004_Alternativeapproach}, } % 6 @ARTICLE{ArnostR_2004_SingularKalman, author = {Arno\v{s}t, R. and \v{Z}ampa, P.}, title = {Singular Kalman filtering: New aspects based on an alternative system theory}, year = {2004}, journal = {WSEAS Transactions on Systems}, volume = {9}, pages = {2860-2866}, ISBN = {1109-2777}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/ArnostR_2004_SingularKalman}, } % 7 @ARTICLE{BecvarP_2004_Znalostnipristupy, author = {Be\v{c}v\'{a}\v{r} P. and Cvr\v{c}ek M.}, title = {Znalostn\'{i} p\v{r}\'{i}stupy v diagnostick\'{y}ch syst\'{e}mech akustick\'{e} emise}, year = {2004}, journal = {Automa}, volume = {7}, series = {12}, ISSN = {1210-9592}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/BecvarP_2004_Znalostnipristupy}, } % 8 @ARTICLE{BecvarP_2004_Multiagentni, author = {Be\v{c}v\'{a}\v{r}, P. and Kout, J. and P\v{e}chou\v{c}ek, M.}, title = {Multiagentn\'{i} \v{r}\'{i}zen\'{i}, simulace a pl\'{a}nov\'{a}n\'{i} v\'{y}roby}, year = {2004}, journal = {Automa}, volume = {5}, pages = {27-30}, ISBN = {1210-9592}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/BecvarP_2004_Multiagentni}, } % 9 @ARTICLE{ByrneW_2004_Automaticrecognition, author = {Byrne, W. and Doerman, D. and Franz, M. and Gustman, S. and Haji\v{c}, J. and Oard, D. and Picheny, M. and Psutka, J. and Ramabhadran, B. and Soergel, D. and Ward, T. and Zhu, W.}, title = {Automatic recognition of spontaneous speech for access to multilingual oral history archives}, year = {2004}, journal = {IEEE transactions on speech and audio processing}, volume = {4}, pages = {420-435}, ISBN = {1063-6676}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/ByrneW_2004_Automaticrecognition}, } % 10 @ARTICLE{CisarP_2004_3Dlip-trackingfor_1, author = {C\'{i}sa\v{r}, P. and \v{Z}elezn\'{y}, M. and Kr\v{n}oul, Z.}, title = {3D lip-tracking for audio-visual speech recognition in real applications}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Sunjin Printing Co.}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea}, address = {Jeju}, pages = {2521-2524}, ISBN = {1225-441X}, ISSN = {1225-441x}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/CisarP_2004_3Dlip-trackingfor_1}, } % 11 @ARTICLE{CechM_2004_Navrhregulatoru, author = {\v{C}ech, M. and Schlegel, M.}, title = {N\'{a}vrh regul\'{a}toru p\v{r}es Internet: www.PIDlab.com}, year = {2004}, journal = {Automa}, volume = {2}, pages = {121-126}, ISBN = {1210-1592}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/CechM_2004_Navrhregulatoru}, } % 12 @ARTICLE{FialovaA_2004_Minimalrealizations, author = {Fialov\'{a}, A.}, title = {Minimal realizations of the nonlinear system with derivative dynamic state feedback control}, year = {2004}, journal = {WSEAS Transactions on Systems}, volume = {9}, pages = {2867-2872}, ISBN = {1109-2777}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/FialovaA_2004_Minimalrealizations}, } % 13 @ARTICLE{FialovaA_2004_Synthesisofthe_1, author = {Fialov\'{a}, A.}, title = {Synthesis of the inverted pendulum on new theory system}, year = {2004}, journal = {WSEAS Transactions on Systems}, volume = {5}, pages = {2106-2110}, series = {3}, ISBN = {1109-2777}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/FialovaA_2004_Synthesisofthe_1}, } % 14 @ARTICLE{KanisJ_2004_Usingthe_1, author = {Kanis, J. and M\"{u}ller, L.}, title = {Using the lemmatization technique for phonetic transcription in text-to-speech system}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Springer}, journal = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence}, address = {Berlin}, pages = {355-361}, series = {3206}, ISBN = {0302-9743}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/KanisJ_2004_Usingthe_1}, } % 15 @ARTICLE{KrnoulZ_2004_Realisticface, author = {Kr\v{n}oul, Z. and \v{Z}elezn\'{y}, M.}, title = {Realistic face animation for a Czech Talking Head}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Springer}, journal = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence}, address = {Berlin}, pages = {603-610}, series = {3206}, ISBN = {0302-9743}, ISSN = {0302-9743}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/KrnoulZ_2004_Realisticface}, } % 16 @ARTICLE{PadrtaA_2004_Comparisonofseveral_1, author = {Padrta, A. and Radov\'{a}, V.}, title = {Comparison of several speaker verification procedures based on GMM}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Sunjin Printing Co.}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea }, address = {Jeju Island}, pages = {1777-1780}, ISBN = {1225-441X}, ISSN = {1225-441x}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/PadrtaA_2004_Comparisonofseveral_1}, } % 17 @ARTICLE{PadrtaA_2004_Onthebackground_1, author = {Padrta, A. and Radov\'{a}, V.}, title = {On the background model construction for speaker verification using GMM}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Springer}, journal = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence}, address = {Berlin}, pages = {425-432}, series = {3206}, ISBN = {0302-9743}, ISSN = {0302-9743}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/PadrtaA_2004_Onthebackground_1}, } % 18 @ARTICLE{PsutkaJ_2004_Thedevelopmentof_1, author = {Psutka, J. and Haji\v{c}, J. and Byrne, W.}, title = {The development of ASR for Slavic languages in the MALACH project}, year = {2004}, publisher = {IEEE}, journal = {Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing}, address = {Piscataway}, pages = {749-752}, ISBN = {1520-6149}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/PsutkaJ_2004_Thedevelopmentof_1}, } % 19 @ARTICLE{RadovaV_2004_Pozorbomba, author = {Radov\'{a}, V.}, title = {Pozor, bomba!}, year = {2004}, journal = {T\v{r}et\'{i} p\'{o}l}, volume = {2 }, pages = {16-17}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/RadovaV_2004_Pozorbomba}, } % 20 @ARTICLE{SmidlL_2004_Keywordspottingfor_1, author = {\v{S}m\'{i}dl, L. and M\"{u}ller, L.}, title = {Keyword spotting for highly inflectional languages}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Sunjin Printing Co.}, journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea}, address = {Jeju}, pages = {297-299}, ISBN = {1225-441X}, ISSN = {1225-441x}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/SmidlL_2004_Keywordspottingfor_1}, } % 21 @ARTICLE{ZelinkaJ_2004_Automaticgeneral_1, author = {Zelinka, J. and M\"{u}ller, L.}, title = {Automatic general letter-to-sound rules generation for German text-to-speech system}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Springer}, journal = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence}, address = {Berlin}, pages = {537-543}, series = {3206}, ISBN = {0302-9743}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/ZelinkaJ_2004_Automaticgeneral_1}, } % 22 @ARTICLE{ZampaP_2004_Multivariablelinear, author = {\v{Z}ampa, P. and Steska, P. and Vesel\'{y}, K.}, title = {Multivariable linear discrete-time stochastic systems continualization}, year = {2004}, journal = {WSEAS Transactions on Systems}, volume = {9}, pages = {2898-2903}, ISBN = {1109-2777}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/ZampaP_2004_Multivariablelinear}, } % 23 @ARTICLE{ZampaP_2004_Designofoptimal, author = {\v{Z}ampa, P. and Vesel\'{y}, K. and Pe\v{s}ek, P. and Steska, P.}, title = {Design of optimal controller for discrete plant with static dependencies}, year = {2004}, journal = {WSEAS Transactions on Systems}, volume = {9}, pages = {2886-2891}, ISBN = {1109-2777}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/ZampaP_2004_Designofoptimal}, } % 24 @ARTICLE{ZufanJ_2004_Automatedevaluation_1, author = {\v{Z}ufan, J. and Cendel\'{i}n, J.}, title = {Automated evaluation of classical conditioning}, year = {2004}, journal = {Homeostasis}, volume = {2}, pages = {79-81}, series = {43}, ISBN = {0960-7560}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/ZufanJ_2004_Automatedevaluation_1}, } % 25 @INPROCEEDINGS{ArnostR_2004_Modelingoflinear, author = {Arno\v{s}t, R. and \v{Z}ampa, P.}, title = {Modeling of linear continuous-time stochastic causal systems in a new approach to system theory}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies}, journal = {Cybernetics and Systems 2004}, address = {Vienna}, pages = {9-14}, ISBN = {3-85206-169- 5}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/ArnostR_2004_Modelingoflinear}, } % 26 @INPROCEEDINGS{ArnostR_2004_Oncontinuous-time, author = {Arno\v{s}t, R. and \v{Z}ampa, P.}, title = {On continuous-time stochastic systems in a new approach to system theory}, year = {2004}, publisher = {IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers}, journal = {Proceedings of the thirty-sixth southeastern symposium on system theory}, address = {New Jersey}, pages = {482-487}, ISBN = {0-7803-8281-1}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/ArnostR_2004_Oncontinuous-time}, } % 27 @INPROCEEDINGS{BaldaP_2004_Anopenautotuning, author = {Balda, P. and Schlegel, M. and \v{S}t\v{e}tina, M.}, title = {An open autotuning PID control remote laboratory based on industrial standards}, year = {2004}, publisher = {ENSIEG}, journal = {IBCE ?04}, address = {Grenoble}, pages = {1-5}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/BaldaP_2004_Anopenautotuning}, } % 28 @INPROCEEDINGS{BaldaP_2004_Vnorenerizeni, author = {Balda, P. and Schlegel, M. and \v{S}t\v{e}tina, M.}, title = {Vno\v{r}en\'{e} \v{r}\'{i}zen\'{i} velmi rychl\'{y}ch syst\'{e}m\r{u} \v{r}\'{i}d\'{i}c\'{i}m syst\'{e}mem REX na PC}, year = {2004}, publisher = {University of Pardubice }, journal = {Process control 2004}, address = {Pardubice}, pages = {1-6}, ISBN = {80-7194-662-1}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/BaldaP_2004_Vnorenerizeni}, } % 29 @INPROCEEDINGS{BaldaP_2004_Vzdalenaa, author = {Balda, P. and Schlegel, M. and \v{S}t\v{e}tina, M.}, title = {Vzd\'{a}len\'{a} a virtu\'{a}ln\'{i} laborato\v{r} pro v\'{y}uku automatick\'{e}ho \v{r}\'{i}zen\'{i}}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Slovensk\'{a} technick\'{a} univerzita}, journal = {Nov\'{e} trendy vo vzdel\'{a}van\'{i} v oblasti automatiz\'{a}cie a informatiky}, address = {Bratislava}, pages = {36-41}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/BaldaP_2004_Vzdalenaa}, } % 30 @INPROCEEDINGS{BecvarP_2004_Decisionsupport, author = {Be\v{c}v\'{a}\v{r}, P. and P\v{e}chou\v{c}ek, M. and \v{S}m\'{i}dl, L.}, title = {Decision support framework ExtraPlanT with remote access and telephony interface}, year = {2004}, publisher = {IEEE }, journal = {2004 2nd IEEE international conference on industrial informatics}, address = {New York}, pages = {95-100}, ISBN = {0-7803-8513-6}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/BecvarP_2004_Decisionsupport}, } % 31 @INPROCEEDINGS{BecvarP_2004_Telephonyinterface, author = {Be\v{c}v\'{a}\v{r}, P. and P\v{e}chou\v{c}ek, M. and \v{S}m\'{i}dl, L.}, title = {Telephony interface of the ExtraPlanT multi-agent production planning system}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin}, journal = {Berliner XML Tage 2004}, address = {Berlin}, pages = {239-249}, ISBN = {3-88579-122-6}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/BecvarP_2004_Telephonyinterface}, } % 32 @INPROCEEDINGS{BecvarP_2004_Navrhtelefonniho, author = {Be\v{c}v\'{a}\v{r}, P. and \v{S}m\'{i}dl, L. and P\v{e}chou\v{c}ek, M.}, title = {N\'{a}vrh telefonn\'{i}ho rozhran\'{i} multiagentn\'{i}ho syst\'{e}mu pro pl\'{a}nov\'{a}n\'{i} v\'{y}roby ExtraPlanT}, year = {2004}, publisher = {V\v{S}B - Technick\'{a} univerzita }, journal = {Znalosti 2004}, address = {Ostrava}, pages = {277-284}, ISBN = {80-248-0456-5}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/BecvarP_2004_Navrhtelefonniho}, } % 33 @INPROCEEDINGS{CisarP_2004_Detectionofface, author = {C\'{i}sa\v{r}, P. and \v{Z}elezn\'{y}, M.}, title = {Detection of face position and 3D orientation in 2D image}, year = {2004}, publisher = {SPIIRAS}, journal = {SPECOM?2004}, address = {Saint-Petersburg}, pages = {52-56}, ISBN = {5-7452-0110-X}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/CisarP_2004_Detectionofface}, } % 34 @INPROCEEDINGS{CisarP_2004_Usingoflip-reading, author = {C\'{i}sa\v{r}, P. and \v{Z}elezn\'{y}, M.}, title = {Using of lip-reading for speech recognition in noisy environments}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic}, journal = {Speech Processing}, address = {Prague}, pages = {137-142}, ISBN = {80-86269-10-8}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/CisarP_2004_Usingoflip-reading}, } % 35 @INPROCEEDINGS{CisarP_2004_3Dlip-trackingfor, author = {C\'{i}sa\v{r}, P. and \v{Z}elezn\'{y}, M. and Kr\v{n}oul, Z.}, title = {3D lip-tracking for audio-visual speech recognition in real applications}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Sunjin Printing Co.}, journal = {Prodeedings of the INTERSPEECH 2004 - ICSLP}, address = {Jeju}, pages = {2521-2524}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/CisarP_2004_3Dlip-trackingfor}, } % 36 @INPROCEEDINGS{CechM_2004_Newfrequencymethod, author = {\v{C}ech, M. and Schlegel, M.}, title = {New frequency method of PID controller design : www.pidlab.com}, year = {2004}, publisher = {University of Pardubice}, journal = {Process control 2004}, address = {Pardubice}, pages = {1-6}, ISBN = {80-7194-662-1}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/CechM_2004_Newfrequencymethod}, } % 37 @INPROCEEDINGS{CernyV_2004_Onsomenewfactsin, author = {\v{C}ern\'{y}, V. and Hru\v{s}\'{a}k, J.}, title = {On some new facts in comparing frequency domain, optimal and asymptotic filtering}, year = {2004}, publisher = {ACTA Press}, journal = {Proceedings of the sixth IASTED international conference on control and applications}, address = {Anaheim}, pages = {23-28}, ISBN = {0-88986-393-8}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/CernyV_2004_Onsomenewfactsin}, } % 38 @INPROCEEDINGS{CernyV_2004_Onsomenew, author = {\v{C}ern\'{y}, V. and Hru\v{s}\'{a}k, J.}, title = {On some new similarities between non-linear observer and filter design}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Universit?t Stuttgart}, journal = {NOLCOS 2004}, address = {Stuttgart}, pages = {609-614}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/CernyV_2004_Onsomenew}, } % 39 @INPROCEEDINGS{FialovaA_2004_Synthesisofthe, author = {Fialov\'{a}, A.}, title = {Synthesis of the inverted pendulum on new theory system}, year = {2004}, publisher = {WSEAS}, journal = {Proceedings of the 2004 WSEAS international multiconference CSCC consisted 8th WSEAS int. conf. on circuits, 8th WSEAS int. conf. on systems ... }, address = {Athens}, pages = {1-4}, ISBN = {960-8052-99-8}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/FialovaA_2004_Synthesisofthe}, } % 40 @INPROCEEDINGS{HajsmanV_2004_Vyuziti, author = {Haj\v{s}man, V.}, title = {Vyu\v{z}it\'{i} simula\v{c}n\'{i}ho modelov\'{a}n\'{i} pro optimalizaci v\'{y}robn\'{i}ho procesu}, year = {2004}, publisher = {MARQ}, journal = {Advanced Simulation of Systems}, address = {Ostrava}, pages = {75-79}, ISBN = {80-86840-03-4}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/HajsmanV_2004_Vyuziti}, } % 41 @INPROCEEDINGS{JanecekE_2004_Zpracovani, author = {Jane\v{c}ek, E.}, title = {Zpracov\'{a}n\'{i} sign\'{a}l\r{u} GPK v \v{c}asov\'{e} oblasti s nezkreslen\'{y}m pom\v{e}rem Fourierov\'{y}ch obraz\r{u} veli\v{c}in polohov\'{e} odchylky a m\v{e}\v{r}\'{i}c\'{i} t\v{e}tivy}, year = {2004}, publisher = {VTS pri \v{Z}ilinskej universite}, journal = {Tra\v{t}ov\'{e} stroje v te\'{o}rii a v praxi = Track maintenance machines in theory and practice}, address = {\v{Z}ilina}, pages = {87-90}, ISBN = {80-969165-1-3}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/JanecekE_2004_Zpracovani}, } % 42 @INPROCEEDINGS{JanecekE_2004_Metodynavrhu, author = {Jane\v{c}ek, E. and Hus\'{a}k, Z.}, title = {Metody n\'{a}vrhu z\'{a}t\v{e}\v{z}ov\'{y}ch model\r{u} t\v{r}\'{i}d odb\v{e}ratel\r{u} energie z agregovan\'{y}ch m\v{e}\v{r}en\'{i}}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Slovak University of Technology }, journal = {Control of power systems '04}, address = {Bratislava}, pages = {1-7}, ISBN = {80-227-2059-3}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/JanecekE_2004_Metodynavrhu}, } % 43 @INPROCEEDINGS{JanecekE_2004_Modelovani, author = {Jane\v{c}ek, E. and Hus\'{a}k, Z.}, title = {Modelov\'{a}n\'{i} odb\v{e}rov\'{y}ch diagram\r{u} v distribu\v{c}n\'{i}ch s\'{i}t\'{i}ch}, year = {2004}, publisher = {University of Pardubice}, journal = {Process control 2004}, address = {Pardubice}, pages = {1-10}, ISBN = {80-7194-662-1}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/JanecekE_2004_Modelovani}, } % 44 @INPROCEEDINGS{JanecekE_2004_Moznosti, author = {Jane\v{c}ek, E. and Hus\'{a}k, Z.}, title = {Mo\v{z}nosti pr\r{u}b\v{e}\v{z}n\'{e}ho up\v{r}es\v{n}ov\'{a}n\'{i} region\'{a}ln\'{i}ch TDD z periodick\'{y}ch m\v{e}\v{r}en\'{i} na distribu\v{c}n\'{i}ch transform\'{a}torech}, year = {2004}, publisher = {EG\'{U} Praha Engineering}, journal = {Profily z\'{a}t\v{e}\v{z}e & ICT pro konkuren\v{c}n\'{i} trh s elekt\v{r}inou - 2004}, address = {Praha}, pages = {1-8}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/JanecekE_2004_Moznosti}, } % 45 @INPROCEEDINGS{JelinekL_2004_Spontaneousspeech, author = {Jel\'{i}nek, L. and \v{S}m\'{i}dl, L.}, title = {Spontaneous speech understanding in train timetable inquiry processing based on n-gram language models and finite state transducers}, year = {2004}, publisher = {International Institute of Informatics and Systemics}, journal = {The 8th world multi-conference on systemics, cybernetics and informatics. Volume VI }, address = {Orlando}, pages = {444-449}, ISBN = {980-9560-13-2}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/JelinekL_2004_Spontaneousspeech}, } % 46 @INPROCEEDINGS{KanisJ_2004_Usingthe, author = {Kanis, J. and M\"{u}ller, L.}, title = {Using the lemmatization technique for phonetic transcription in text-to-speech system}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Springer}, journal = {Text, speech and dialogue}, address = {Berlin}, pages = {355-361}, ISBN = {3-540-23049-1}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/KanisJ_2004_Usingthe}, } % 47 @INPROCEEDINGS{KolarJ_2004_Automaticpunctuation, author = {Kol\'{a}\v{r}, J. and \v{S}vec, J. and Psutka, J.}, title = {Automatic punctuation annotation in Czech broadcast news speech}, year = {2004}, publisher = {SPIIRAS}, journal = {SPECOM?2004}, address = {Saint-Petersburg}, pages = {319-325}, ISBN = {5-7452-0110-X}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/KolarJ_2004_Automaticpunctuation}, } % 48 @INPROCEEDINGS{KralovecJ_2004_Filteringprediction, author = {Kr\'{a}lovec, J. and \v{S}imandl, M.}, title = {Filtering, prediction and smoothing with point-mass approach}, year = {2004}, publisher = {State University of Aerospace Instrumentation}, journal = {16th IFAC symposium on automatic control in aerospace}, address = {Saint-Petersburg}, pages = {377-382}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/KralovecJ_2004_Filteringprediction}, } % 49 @INPROCEEDINGS{KrivankaD_2004_Someexperimentson, author = {Kriv\'{a}nka, D. and Radov\'{a}, V.}, title = {Some experiments on detection of co-channel speech}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic}, journal = {Speech processing}, address = {Prague}, pages = {154-157}, ISBN = {80-86269-10-8}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/KrivankaD_2004_Someexperimentson}, } % 50 @INPROCEEDINGS{KrnoulZ_2004_Theautomatic, author = {Kr\v{n}oul, Z. and \v{Z}elezn\'{y}, M.}, title = {The automatic segmentation of the visual speech}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic}, journal = {Speech Processing}, address = {Prague}, pages = {148-153}, ISBN = {80-86269-10-8}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/KrnoulZ_2004_Theautomatic}, } % 51 @INPROCEEDINGS{KrnoulZ_2004_Facemodel, author = {Kr\v{n}oul, Z. and \v{Z}elezn\'{y}, M. and C\'{i}sa\v{r}, P.}, title = {Face model reconstruction for Czech audio-visual speech synthesis}, year = {2004}, publisher = {SPIIRAS}, journal = {SPECOM?2004}, address = {Saint-Petersburg}, pages = {47-51}, ISBN = {5-7452-0110-x}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/KrnoulZ_2004_Facemodel}, } % 52 @INPROCEEDINGS{KrynskyJ_2004_Anewstochastic, author = {Krynsk\'{y}, J. and Jane\v{c}ek, E. and Jane\v{c}ek, P.}, title = {A new stochastic model of the electric distribution network}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Iowa State University}, journal = {8th international conference probabilistic methods applied to power systems}, address = {Ames}, pages = {1-5}, ISBN = {0-9761319-0-0}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/KrynskyJ_2004_Anewstochastic}, } % 53 @INPROCEEDINGS{MatousekJ_2004_Speechsynthesisin, author = {Matou\v{s}ek, J. and Romportl, J. and Tihelka, D.}, title = {Speech synthesis in ARTIC TTS system}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics AS CR}, address = {Prague}, pages = {135-139}, booktitle = {Speech Processing, proceedings of the 14th Czech-German Workshop}, ISBN = {80-86269-11-6}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/MatousekJ_2004_Speechsynthesisin}, } % 54 @INPROCEEDINGS{MatousekJ_2004_RecentImprovements_1, author = {Matou\v{s}ek, J. and Romportl, J. and Tihelka, D. and Tychtl, Z.}, title = {Recent Improvements on ARTIC: Czech text-to-speech system}, year = {2004}, address = {Jeju Island, Korea}, pages = {1933-1936}, booktitle = {INTERSPEECH 2004 - ICSLP, proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing}, ISSN = {1225-441X}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/MatousekJ_2004_RecentImprovements_1}, } % 55 @INPROCEEDINGS{MatousekJ_2004_Slovaktext-to-speech, author = {Matou\v{s}ek, J. and Tihelka, D.}, title = {Slovak text-to-speech synthesis in ARTIC system}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, volume = {3206}, pages = {155-162}, booktitle = {Text, Speech and Dialogue, proceedings of the 7th International Conference TSD 2004}, series = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence}, ISBN = {3-540-23049-1}, ISSN = {0302-9743}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/MatousekJ_2004_Slovaktext-to-speech}, } % 56 @INPROCEEDINGS{MosnaJ_2004_Polynomial, author = {Mo\v{s}na, J. and Melichar, J. and Pe\v{s}ek, P.}, title = {Polynomial parametrization of multirate dead-beat ripple-free controllers}, year = {2004}, publisher = {IFAC}, journal = {Control systems design 2003}, address = {Oxford}, pages = {307-312}, ISBN = {0-08-044175-0}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/MosnaJ_2004_Polynomial}, } % 57 @INPROCEEDINGS{MosnaJ_2004_Decisionprocessof, author = {Mo\v{s}na, J. and Pe\v{s}ek, P.}, title = {Decision process of incompleted stochastic model}, year = {2004}, publisher = {University of Pardubice}, journal = {Process control 2004}, address = {Pardubice}, pages = {1-7}, ISBN = {80-7194-662-1}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/MosnaJ_2004_Decisionprocessof}, } % 58 @INPROCEEDINGS{PadrtaA_2004_Comparisonofseveral, author = {Padrta, A. and Radov\'{a}, V.}, title = {Comparison of several speaker verification procedures based on GMM}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Sunjin Printing Co.}, journal = {ICSLP }, address = {Jeju Island}, pages = {1777-1780}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/PadrtaA_2004_Comparisonofseveral}, } % 59 @INPROCEEDINGS{PadrtaA_2004_Onthebackground, author = {Padrta, A. and Radov\'{a}, V.}, title = {On the background model construction for speaker verification using GMM}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Springer}, journal = {Text, speech and dialogue}, address = {Berlin}, pages = {425-432}, ISBN = {3-540-23049-1}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/PadrtaA_2004_Onthebackground}, } % 60 @INPROCEEDINGS{PechoucekM_2004_ExPlanTech_1, author = {P\v{e}chou\v{c}ek, M. and Vok\v{r}\'{i}nek, J. and Be\v{c}v\'{a}\v{r}, P. and Hod\'{i}k, J. and Posp\'{i}\v{s}il, J.}, title = {ExPlanTech: multi-agent framework for production planning, simulation and supply chain management}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Springer}, journal = {Multiagent system technologies}, address = {Berlin}, pages = {287-300}, ISBN = {3-540-23222-2}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/PechoucekM_2004_ExPlanTech_1}, } % 61 @INPROCEEDINGS{PesekP_2004_Delta-operatoras, author = {Pe\v{s}ek, P. and Mo\v{s}na, J.}, title = {Delta-operator as tool of linear tracking problem design}, year = {2004}, publisher = {AGH-UST }, journal = {5th international carpathian control conference}, address = {Krakow}, pages = {159-164}, ISBN = {83-89772-00-0}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/PesekP_2004_Delta-operatoras}, } % 62 @INPROCEEDINGS{PrazakA_2004_Real-timedecoderfor, author = {Pra\v{z}\'{a}k, A. and M\"{u}ller, L. and \v{S}m\'{i}dl, L.}, title = {Real-time decoder for LVCSR system}, year = {2004}, publisher = {International Institute of Informatics and Systemics}, journal = {The 8th world multi-conference on systemics, cybernetics and informatics : vol. VI : image, acoustic, signal processing and optical systems, technologies and applications}, address = {Orlando, Florida}, pages = {450-454}, ISBN = {980-6560-13-2}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/PrazakA_2004_Real-timedecoderfor}, } % 63 @INPROCEEDINGS{PsutkaJ_2004_Thedevelopmentof, author = {Psutka, J. and Haji\v{c}, J. and Byrne, W.}, title = {The development of ASR for Slavic languages in the MALACH project}, year = {2004}, publisher = {IEEE}, journal = {International conference on acoustics, speech, and signal processing}, address = {Piscataway}, pages = {749-752}, ISBN = {0-7803-8485-7}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/PsutkaJ_2004_Thedevelopmentof}, } % 64 @INPROCEEDINGS{PsutkaJ_2004_Issuesinannotation, author = {Psutka, J. and Ircing, P. and Haji\v{c}, J. and Radov\'{a}, V. and Psutka josef V. and Byrne, W. and Gustman, S.}, title = {Issues in annotation of the Czech spontaneous speech corpus in the MALACH project}, year = {2004}, publisher = {European Language Resources Association}, journal = {Fourth international conference on language resources and evaluation}, address = {Lisbon}, pages = {607-610}, ISBN = {2-9517408-1-6}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/PsutkaJ_2004_Issuesinannotation}, } % 65 @INPROCEEDINGS{RomportlJ_2004_AdvancedProsody, author = {Romportl, J. and Matou\v{s}ek, J. and Tihelka, D.}, title = {Advanced Prosody Modelling}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, volume = {3206}, pages = {441-447}, booktitle = {Text, Speech and Dialogue, proceedings of the 7th International Conference TSD 2004}, series = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence}, ISBN = {3-540-23049-1}, ISSN = {0302-9743}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/RomportlJ_2004_AdvancedProsody}, } % 66 @INPROCEEDINGS{RomportlJ_2004_Naturalnessof, author = {Romportl, J. and Tihelka, D. and Matou\v{s}ek, J.}, title = {Naturalness of Prosody Models}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics AS CR}, address = {Prague}, pages = {119-123}, booktitle = {Speech Processing, proceedings of the 14th Czech-German Workshop}, ISBN = {80-86269-11-6}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/RomportlJ_2004_Naturalnessof}, } % 67 @INPROCEEDINGS{RomportlJ_2004_ProsodyasaCausal, author = {Romportl, J. and Tihelka, D. and Matou\v{s}ek, J.}, title = {Prosody as a Causal System}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics AS CR}, address = {Prague}, pages = {47-52}, booktitle = {Speech Processing, proceedings of the 13th Czech-German Workshop}, ISBN = {80-86269-10-8}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/RomportlJ_2004_ProsodyasaCausal}, } % 68 @INPROCEEDINGS{SchlegelM_2004_Fractalsystem, author = {Schlegel, M. and \v{C}ech, M.}, title = {Fractal system identification for robust control - the moment approach}, year = {2004}, publisher = {AGH-UST }, journal = {5th international carpathian control conference}, address = {Krakow }, pages = {1-6}, ISBN = {83-89772-00-0}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/SchlegelM_2004_Fractalsystem}, } % 69 @INPROCEEDINGS{SchlegelM_2004_InternetPID, author = {Schlegel, M. and \v{C}ech, M.}, title = {Internet PID controller design : www.pidlab.com}, year = {2004}, publisher = {ENSIEG }, journal = {IBCE ?04}, address = {Grenoble}, pages = {1-6}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/SchlegelM_2004_InternetPID}, } % 70 @INPROCEEDINGS{SchlegelM_2004_Aktivnitlumeni, author = {Schlegel, M. and \v{C}ech, M. and Balda, P. and Mertl, J.}, title = {Aktivn\'{i} tlumen\'{i} vibrac\'{i} lopatek v aerodynamick\'{e}m tunelu}, year = {2004}, publisher = {University of Pardubice }, journal = {Process control 2004}, address = {Pardubice}, pages = {1-6}, ISBN = {80-7194-662-1}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/SchlegelM_2004_Aktivnitlumeni}, } % 71 @INPROCEEDINGS{SchlegelM_2004_Stabilityregionsfor, author = {Schlegel, M. and Mertl, J.}, title = {Stability regions for PI/PID controller and Matlab program}, year = {2004}, publisher = {AGH-UST }, journal = {5th international carpathian control conference }, address = {Krakow}, pages = {1-6}, ISBN = {83-89772-00-0}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/SchlegelM_2004_Stabilityregionsfor}, } % 72 @INPROCEEDINGS{SobotaJ_2004_Iterativefeedback, author = {Sobota, J. and Schlegel, M.}, title = {Iterative feedback tuning of PID controller}, year = {2004}, publisher = {University of Pardubice}, journal = {Process control 2004}, address = {Pardubice}, pages = {1-16}, ISBN = {80-7194-662-1}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/SobotaJ_2004_Iterativefeedback}, } % 73 @INPROCEEDINGS{StrakaO_2004_Samplesize, author = {Straka, O. and \v{S}imandl, M.}, title = {Sample size adaptation for particle filters}, year = {2004}, publisher = {State University of Aerospace Instrumentation}, journal = {16th IFAC symposium on automatic control in aerospace}, address = {Saint-Petersburg}, pages = {444-449}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/StrakaO_2004_Samplesize}, } % 74 @INPROCEEDINGS{SimandlM_2004_Identificationof, author = {\v{S}imandl, M. and Hering, P. and Kr\'{a}l, L.}, title = {Identification of nonlinear non-gaussian systems by neural networks}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Universitat Stuttgart}, journal = {NOLCOS 2004 }, address = {Stuttgart}, pages = {919-924}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/SimandlM_2004_Identificationof}, } % 75 @INPROCEEDINGS{SimandlM_2004_Multigriddesignin_1, author = {\v{S}imandl, M. and Kr\'{a}lovec, J.}, title = {Multigrid design in point-mass approach to nonlinear state estimation}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Elsevier Ltd.}, journal = {System identification}, address = {Oxford}, pages = {1693-1698}, ISBN = {0-08043709 5}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/SimandlM_2004_Multigriddesignin_1}, } % 76 @INPROCEEDINGS{SimandlM_2004_Controllingof_1, author = {\v{S}imandl, M. and Le\v{s}ek, M.}, title = {Controlling of pension fund investment by using Bellman?s optimality principle}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Elsevier }, journal = {Control system design 2003}, address = {Oxford}, pages = {419-424}, ISBN = {0-08-044175 0}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/SimandlM_2004_Controllingof_1}, } % 77 @INPROCEEDINGS{SimandlM_2004_Usingfuture, author = {\v{S}imandl, M. and Pun\v{c}och\'{a}\v{r}, I.}, title = {Using future information to change detection of stochastic systems}, year = {2004}, publisher = {AGH-UST}, journal = {5th international carpathian control conference}, address = {Krakow}, pages = {659-664}, ISBN = {83-89772-00-0}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/SimandlM_2004_Usingfuture}, } % 78 @INPROCEEDINGS{SimandlM_2004_Samplingdensity_1, author = {\v{S}imandl, M. and Straka, O.}, title = {Sampling density design for particle filters}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Elsevier }, journal = {System identification : (SYSID?03)}, address = {Oxford}, pages = {175-180}, ISBN = {0-08-043709 5}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/SimandlM_2004_Samplingdensity_1}, } % 79 @INPROCEEDINGS{SimandlM_2004_Nonlinearfiltering, author = {\v{S}imandl, M. and Straka, O. and Fl\'{i}dr, M. and \v{S}v\'{a}cha, J. and Dun\'{i}k, J.}, title = {Nonlinear filtering methods: basic approaches and software package}, year = {2004}, journal = {Multiple participant decision making}, address = {Prague}, pages = {1-13}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/SimandlM_2004_Nonlinearfiltering}, } % 80 @INPROCEEDINGS{SmidlL_2004_Keywordspottingfor, author = {\v{S}m\'{i}dl, L. and M\"{u}ller, L.}, title = {Keyword spotting for highly inflectional languages}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Sunjin Printing Co.}, journal = {ICSPL }, address = {Jeju}, pages = {297-299}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/SmidlL_2004_Keywordspottingfor}, } % 81 @INPROCEEDINGS{SmidlL_2004_Falsealarms, author = {\v{S}m\'{i}dl, L. and M\"{u}ller, L. and Psutka, J.}, title = {False alarms reduction in keyword spotting system}, year = {2004}, publisher = {International Institute of Informatics and Systemics}, journal = {The 8th world multi-conference on systemics, cybernetics and informatics : vol. VI : image, acoustic, signal processing and optical systems, technologies and applications}, address = {Orlando, Florida}, pages = {460-464}, ISBN = {980-6560-13-2}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/SmidlL_2004_Falsealarms}, } % 82 @INPROCEEDINGS{TihelkaD_2004_Theanalysisof, author = {Tihelka, D. and Matou\v{s}ek, J.}, title = {The analysis of synthetic speech distortions}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic}, address = {Prague}, pages = {124-129}, booktitle = {Speech Processing, proceedings of 13th Czech - German Workshop}, ISBN = {80-86269-11-6}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/TihelkaD_2004_Theanalysisof}, } % 83 @INPROCEEDINGS{TihelkaD_2004_ThedesignofCzech, author = {Tihelka, D. and Matou\v{s}ek, J.}, title = {The design of Czech language formal listening tests for the evaluation of TTS systems}, year = {2004}, publisher = {European Language Resources Association}, address = {Lisbon}, pages = {2099-2102}, booktitle = {LREC 2004, proceedings of 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation}, ISBN = {2-9517408-1-6}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/TihelkaD_2004_ThedesignofCzech}, } % 84 @INPROCEEDINGS{TychtlZ_2004_Developmentofthe, author = {Tychtl, Z.}, title = {Development of the new harmonic-sinusoidal signal generation module for the ARTIC - Czech TTS}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic}, journal = {Speech processing}, address = {Prague}, pages = {87-92}, ISBN = {80-86269-10-8}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/TychtlZ_2004_Developmentofthe}, } % 85 @INPROCEEDINGS{TychtlZ_2004_Phasevectors, author = {Tychtl, Z.}, title = {Phase vectors construction in low-resource-demanding version of harmonic speech synthesis}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic}, journal = {Proceedings of 14th Czech-German workshop}, address = {Prague}, pages = {130-134}, ISBN = {80-86269-11-6}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/TychtlZ_2004_Phasevectors}, } % 86 @INPROCEEDINGS{TychtlZ_2004_Phase-mismatch-free, author = {Tychtl, Z.}, title = {Phase-mismatch-free and data efficient approach to natural sounding harmonic concatenative speech synthesis}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Technische Universit?t}, journal = {EUSIPCO - 2004}, address = {Wien}, pages = {1027-1030}, ISBN = {3-200-00165-8}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/TychtlZ_2004_Phase-mismatch-free}, } % 87 @INPROCEEDINGS{VanekJ_2004_Optimizationof, author = {Van\v{e}k, J. and Padrta, A.}, title = {Optimization of features for robust speaker recognition}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic}, journal = {Speech processing}, address = {Prague}, pages = {140-147}, ISBN = {80-86269-11-6}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/VanekJ_2004_Optimizationof}, } % 88 @INPROCEEDINGS{VecerekO_2004_DesignofH-infinity, author = {Ve\v{c}erek, O. and Schlegel, M.}, title = {Design of H-infinity PI controllers by robustness regions method}, year = {2004}, publisher = {University of Pardubice }, journal = {Process control 2004}, address = {Pardubice}, pages = {1-9}, ISBN = {80-7194-662-1}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/VecerekO_2004_DesignofH-infinity}, } % 89 @INPROCEEDINGS{ZelinkaJ_2004_Automaticgeneral, author = {Zelinka, J. and M\"{u}ller, L.}, title = {Automatic general letter-to-sound rules generation for German text-to-speech system}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Springer}, journal = {Text, speech and dialogue}, address = {Berlin}, pages = {537-543}, ISBN = {3-540-23049-1}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/ZelinkaJ_2004_Automaticgeneral}, } % 90 @INPROCEEDINGS{ZochovaP_2004_Amethodfor, author = {Zochov\'{a}, P. and Radov\'{a}, V.}, title = {A method for speaker-based segmentation of audio signals}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Academy of sciences of the Czech Republic}, journal = {Speech processing}, address = {Prague}, pages = {109-112}, ISBN = {80-86269-10-8}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/ZochovaP_2004_Amethodfor}, } % 91 @INPROCEEDINGS{ZampaP_2004_Theprincipleandthe, author = {\v{Z}ampa, P.}, title = {The principle and the law of causality in a new approach to system theory}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Austrian Society for Cybernetics Studies}, journal = {Cybernetics and Systems 2004}, address = {Vienna }, pages = {3-8}, ISBN = {3-85206-169-5}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/ZampaP_2004_Theprincipleandthe}, } % 92 @INPROCEEDINGS{ZampaP_2004_Someconsequencesof, author = {\v{Z}ampa, P. and Mo\v{s}na, J. and Prautsch, P.}, title = {Some consequences of new approach to system theory in optimal control}, year = {2004}, publisher = {University of Vienna}, journal = {Cybernetics and systems 2004}, address = {Vienna}, pages = {15-20}, ISBN = {3-85206-169-5}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/ZampaP_2004_Someconsequencesof}, } % 93 @INPROCEEDINGS{ZampaP_2004_Someissuesin, author = {\v{Z}ampa, P. and Mo\v{s}na, J. and Prautsch, P.}, title = {Some issues in optimal control}, year = {2004}, publisher = {University of Zagreb}, journal = {Proceedings of REDISCOVER 2004 }, address = {Zagreb}, pages = {82-85}, ISBN = {953-184-077-6}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/ZampaP_2004_Someissuesin}, } % 94 @INPROCEEDINGS{ZufanJ_2004_Automatedevaluation, author = {\v{Z}ufan, J. and Cendel\'{i}n, J.}, title = {Automated evaluation of manifestation of learning}, year = {2004}, publisher = {MARQ}, journal = {Modelling and Simulation of Systems}, address = {Ostrava}, pages = {267-274}, ISBN = {80-85988-98-4}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/ZufanJ_2004_Automatedevaluation}, } % 95 @PHDTHESIS{HerejtP_2004_Vicemodelovy, author = {Herejt, P.}, title = {V\'{i}cemodelov\'{y} p\v{r}\'{i}stup v detekci zm\v{e}n}, year = {2004}, address = {Plze\v{n}}, pages = {118}, school = {University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Pilsen, Czech Republic}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/HerejtP_2004_Vicemodelovy}, } % 96 @PHDTHESIS{HeringP_2004_Metodynavrhu, author = {Hering, P.}, title = {Metody n\'{a}vrhu neuronov\'{y}ch s\'{i}t\'{i} v identifikaci syst\'{e}m\r{u}}, year = {2004}, address = {Plze\v{n}}, pages = {56}, school = {University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Pilsen, Czech Republic}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/HeringP_2004_Metodynavrhu}, } % 97 @PHDTHESIS{LesekM_2004_Navrhavyuziti, author = {Le\v{s}ek, M.}, title = {N\'{a}vrh a vyu\v{z}it\'{i} matematick\'{e}ho modelu penzijn\'{i}ho fondu}, year = {2004}, address = {Plze\v{n}}, pages = {106}, school = {University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Pilsen, Czech Republic}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/LesekM_2004_Navrhavyuziti}, } % 98 @PHDTHESIS{RadovaV_2004_Rozpoznavani, author = {Radov\'{a}, V.}, title = {Rozpozn\'{a}v\'{a}n\'{i} \v{r}e\v{c}n\'{i}ka}, year = {2004}, address = {Plze\v{n}}, pages = {141}, school = {University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Pilsen, Czech Republic}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/RadovaV_2004_Rozpoznavani}, } % 99 @PHDTHESIS{VecerekO_2004_Metodyautomatickeho, author = {Ve\v{c}erek, O.}, title = {Metody automatick\'{e}ho n\'{a}vrhu robustn\'{i}ch regul\'{a}tor\r{u} pro procesy s dominantn\'{i}m dopravn\'{i}m zpo\v{z}d\v{e}n\'{i}m}, year = {2004}, address = {Plze\v{n}}, pages = {143}, school = {University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Pilsen, Czech Republic}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/VecerekO_2004_Metodyautomatickeho}, } % 100 @BOOK{RadovaV_2004_Czechbroadcastnews, author = {Radov\'{a}, V. and Psutka, J. and M\"{u}ller, L. and Byrne, W. and Psutka Josef V. and Ircing, P. and Matou\v{s}ek, J.}, title = {Czech broadcast news speech}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC)}, address = {USA}, pages = {4}, ISBN = {1-58563-280-5}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/RadovaV_2004_Czechbroadcastnews}, } % 101 @BOOK{RadovaV_2004_Czechbroadcastnews_1, author = {Radov\'{a}, V. and Psutka, J. and M\"{u}ller, L. and Byrne, W. and Psutka Josef V. and Ircing, P. and Matou\v{s}ek, J.}, title = {Czech broadcast news transcripts }, year = {2004}, publisher = {Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC)}, address = {USA}, pages = {4}, ISBN = {1-58563-281-3}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/RadovaV_2004_Czechbroadcastnews_1}, } % 102 @MISC{CendelinJ_2004_Coprogramatoryve, author = {Cendel\'{i}n, J.}, title = {Co program\'{a}tory ve \v{s}kole neu\v{c}\'{i} aneb Softwarov\'{e} in\v{z}en\'{y}rstv\'{i} v re\'{a}ln\'{e} praxi}, year = {2004}, publisher = {FCC Public s.r.o.}, journal = {Automa}, address = {Praha}, volume = {6}, pages = {38-38}, ISBN = {1210-9592}, note = {Co program\'{a}tory ve \v{s}kole neu\v{c}\'{i} aneb Softwarov\'{e} in\v{z}en\'{y}rstv\'{i} v re\'{a}ln\'{e} praxi 80-251-0073-1 2003 Computer Press Brno}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/CendelinJ_2004_Coprogramatoryve}, } % 103 @MISC{CendelinJ_2004_Databazedatove, author = {Cendel\'{i}n, J.}, title = {Datab\'{a}ze: datov\'{e} sklady, anal\'{y}za OLAP a dolov\'{a}n\'{i} dat}, year = {2004}, publisher = {FCC Public s.r.o.}, journal = {Automa}, address = {Praha}, volume = {3}, pages = {92-92}, ISBN = {1210-9592}, note = {Datab\'{a}ze: datov\'{e} sklady, OLAP a dolov\'{a}n\'{i} dat s p\v{r}\'{i}klady v Microsoft SQL Serveru a Oracle 80-7226-969-0 2003 Computer Press Brno}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/CendelinJ_2004_Databazedatove}, } % 104 @MISC{CendelinJ_2004_IEC1131-3Programming, author = {Cendel\'{i}n, J.}, title = {IEC1131-3 Programming methodology}, year = {2004}, publisher = {FCC Public }, journal = {Automa}, address = {Praha}, volume = {12}, pages = {60-60}, ISBN = {1210-9592}, note = {IEC1131-3 Programming methodology 0-9734760-0-2 2003 ICS Triplex IsaGRAF Inc. }, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/CendelinJ_2004_IEC1131-3Programming}, } % 105 @MISC{SimandlM_2004_Adaptivnirizeni, author = {\v{S}imandl, M.}, title = {Adaptivn\'{i} \v{r}\'{i}zen\'{i} a zpracov\'{a}n\'{i} sign\'{a}l\r{u}}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Z\'{a}pado\v{c}esk\'{a} univerzita}, address = {Plze\v{n}}, pages = {134}, ISBN = {80-7043-253-5}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/SimandlM_2004_Adaptivnirizeni}, } % 106 @MISC{TumaF_2004_Katedrakybernetiky, author = {T\r{u}ma, F.}, title = {Katedra kybernetiky : informa\v{c}n\'{i} bro\v{z}ura}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Z\'{a}pado\v{c}esk\'{a} univerzita}, address = {Plze\v{n}}, pages = {40}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/TumaF_2004_Katedrakybernetiky}, } % 107 @MISC{CechM_2004_PIDlabPID, author = {\v{C}ech, M. and Schlegel, M. and Mertl, J.}, title = {PIDlab, PID controller virtual laboratory}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Katedra kybernetiky, fakulta aplikovan\'{y}ch v\v{e}d, Z\'{a}pado\v{c}esk\'{a} univerzita v Plzni }, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/CechM_2004_PIDlabPID}, } % 108 @MISC{RadovaV_2004_CzechBroadcastNews_2, author = {Radov\'{a}, V. and Psutka, J. and Psutka Josef V. and M\"{u}ller, L. and Ircing, P. and Matou\v{s}ek, J. and Byrne, W.}, title = {Czech Broadcast News Corpus}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Katedra kybernetiky, fakulta aplikovan\'{y}ch v\v{e}d, Z\'{a}pado\v{c}esk\'{a} univerzita v Plzni (pr\'{a}va k \v{s}\'{i}\v{r}en\'{i} p\v{r}ed\'{a}na Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pe}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/RadovaV_2004_CzechBroadcastNews_2}, } % 109 @MISC{SimandlM_2004_Methodsfortraining, author = {\v{S}imandl, M. and Hering, P.}, title = {Methods for training and structure selection of neural networks}, year = {2004}, publisher = {University of West Bohemia}, address = {Pilsen}, pages = {38}, url = {http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/SimandlM_2004_Methodsfortraining}, }