Year: 2012
Author: Hering Pavel, Nováček Jiří, Janeček Eduard
Estimation of power line parameters in distribution networks using synchronous phasors
The purpose of software is implementation of algorithms for online identification of parameters of electric lines. The software estimates the longitudinal and transverse electric line parameters (R, X, G, B) based on synchronous measurement of voltage and current phasors from both ends of the line and ambient temperature. The implemented algorithms were tested in the development environment MATLAB. The resulting implementation was done in Microsoft Visual Studio and the C # programming language. The application is a console type and all the necessary input data is read from the database MS SQL. Outputs of application are saved to the database and text files.
More information can be obtained on request from riv@control.zcu.cz.
The software using is specified in project FR-TI1/462 - Research and development "Wide Area Monitoring system"
The software can be provided at the conclusion of license agreements in accordance with § 16 of Act No. 130/2002 Coll.
Contact for licence obtainment:
Eduard Janeček
Univerzitní 8
301 00 Plzeň
Email: janecek(at)kky.zcu.cz
Tel: +420 377 632 506
Confirmation of usage
This instrument for parameter identification has been integrated into the information system of the company ČEZ a.s. at the control center in Hradec Kralove, where he was operated in the pilot plant for checking the properties from July to December 2012.
Contact form
This software is protected by license. To download or get more information, please fill in the form below: