Detail publikace
p. 398-401, 2011. : Local Binary Pattern Based Features for Sign Language Recognition . Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis,
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In this paper we focus on appearance features describing the manual component of Sign Language particularly the Local Binary Patterns. We compare the performance of these features with geometric moments describing the trajectory and shape of hands. Since the non-manual component is also very important for sign recognition we localize facial landmarks via Active Shape Model combined with Landmark detector that increases the robustness of model fitting. We test the recognition performance of individual features and their combinations on a database consisting of 11 signers and 23 signs with several repetitions. Local Binary Patterns outperform the geometric moments. When the features are combined we achieve a recognition rate up to 99.75% for signer dependent tests and 57.54% for signer independent tests.
Detail publikace
Název: | Local Binary Pattern Based Features for Sign Language Recognition |
Autor: | Hrúz Marek ; Trojanová Jana ; Železný Miloš |
Název - česky: | Příznaky založeny na Local Binary Patterns pro rozpoznávání znakového jazyka |
Jazyk publikace: | anglicky |
Datum vydání: | 1.1.2011 |
Rok vydání: | 2011 |
Typ publikace: | Článek z časopisu |
Název časopisu / knihy: | Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis |
Strana: | 398 - 401 |
ISSN: | 1054-6618 |
Klíčová slova
Local Binary Pattern, Sign Language, Sign Language Recognition
@ARTICLE{HruzMarek_2011_LocalBinaryPattern, author = {Hr\'{u}z Marek and Trojanov\'{a} Jana and \v{Z}elezn\'{y} Milo\v{s}}, title = {Local Binary Pattern Based Features for Sign Language Recognition}, year = {2011}, journal = {Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis}, pages = {398-401}, ISSN = {1054-6618}, url = {}, }