Detail publikace
p. 1873-1876, ISCA, Geneva, 2003. : Fitting class-based language models into weighted finite-state transducer framework . Eurospeech, vol. 1,
In our paper we propose a general way of incorporating class-based language models with many-to-many word-to-class mapping into the finite-state transducer (FST) framework. Since class-based models alone usually do not improve the recognition accuracy, we also present a method for an efficient language model combination. An example of a word-to-class mapping based on morphological tags is also given. Several word-based and tag-based language models are tested in the task of transcribing Czech broadcast news. Results show that class-based models help to achieve a moderate improvement in recognition accuracy.
Abstrakt v češtině
Článek pojednává o jazykovém modelování, které je založeno na třídách a je přizpůsobeno využití v síti transducerů.
Detail publikace
Název: | Fitting class-based language models into weighted finite-state transducer framework |
Autor: | Ircing, P. ; Psutka, J. |
Název - česky: | Fitting class-based language models into weighted finite-state transducer framework |
Jazyk publikace: | anglicky |
Datum vydání: | 1.9.2003 |
Rok vydání: | 2003 |
Typ publikace: | Článek z časopisu |
Název časopisu / knihy: | Eurospeech |
Číslo vydání: | 1 |
Strana: | 1873 - 1876 |
ISBN: | 1018-4074 |
ISSN: | 1018-4074 |
Nakladatel: | ISCA |
Místo vydání: | Geneva |
Datum: | 1.9.2003 - 4.9.2003 |
Klíčová slova
language modeling, finite-state automata, speech recognition
Klíčová slova v češtině
jazykové modelování, konečné automaty, rozpoznávání řeči
@ARTICLE{IrcingP_2003_Fittingclass-based_1, author = {Ircing, P. and Psutka, J.}, title = {Fitting class-based language models into weighted finite-state transducer framework}, year = {2003}, publisher = {ISCA}, journal = {Eurospeech}, address = {Geneva}, volume = {1}, pages = {1873-1876}, ISBN = {1018-4074}, ISSN = {1018-4074}, url = {}, }