Detail publikace
p. 1-5, Iowa State University, Ames, 2004. : A new stochastic model of the electric distribution network . 8th international conference probabilistic methods applied to power systems,
This paper deals with the problem of estimating operating quantities in low-voltage distribution networks. Presented algorithms are based on a new stochastic model of a distribution network (EDS). Probabilistic modeling is used to respect active and reactive power flow uncertainties as well as the fact, that besides load currents, voltage drops and power losses are stochastic variables.
Abstrakt v češtině
Tento článek pojednává o problematice odhadu operačních veličin v nízkovoltážních distribučních sítích
Detail publikace
Název: | A new stochastic model of the electric distribution network |
Autor: | Krynský, J. ; Janeček, E. ; Janeček, P. |
Název - česky: | A new stochastic model of the electric distribution netw |
Jazyk publikace: | anglicky |
Datum vydání: | 12.9.2004 |
Rok vydání: | 2004 |
Typ publikace: | Stať ve sborníku |
Název časopisu / knihy: | 8th international conference probabilistic methods applied to power systems |
Strana: | 1 - 5 |
ISBN: | 0-9761319-0-0 |
Nakladatel: | Iowa State University |
Místo vydání: | Ames |
Datum: | 12.9.2004 - 16.9.2004 |
Klíčová slova
power distribution, power demand, load flow analysis, load modeling, stochastic approximation, object oriented programming
Klíčová slova v češtině
distribuce elektřiny, požadovaný výkon, potřeba energie, analýza zátěže, modelování zátěže, stochastická aproximace, objektově orientované programování
@INPROCEEDINGS{KrynskyJ_2004_Anewstochastic, author = {Krynsk\'{y}, J. and Jane\v{c}ek, E. and Jane\v{c}ek, P.}, title = {A new stochastic model of the electric distribution network}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Iowa State University}, journal = {8th international conference probabilistic methods applied to power systems}, address = {Ames}, pages = {1-5}, ISBN = {0-9761319-0-0}, url = {}, }