Detail publikace
p. 33-40, 2006. : The Food Composition and Dietary Intake of 1-2 Years Old Children from Two Regions of the Czech Republic . Acta Alimentaria, 35 (1),
Nutrition plays an important role in te health and development of children. Therefore, it is necessary to make the correct recommandations as well as knowing the reak state of nutrition of the children involved. In the scope od the Czech republic, an examination of their dietary intake and food composition in the year 200/2001 during their 14-25 months of the age (mean 19.2+-2.7 months) was performed. A standardised food frequency questionnaire was administered to the whole sample (response rate through mothers was (98 %).
Abstrakt v češtině
Složení potravin a výživový příjem 1-2 letých dětí dvou oblastí České republiky
Detail publikace
Název: | The Food Composition and Dietary Intake of 1-2 Years Old Children from Two Regions of the Czech Republic |
Autor: | Müllerová, D. ; Müller, L. ; Schneiderová, D. ; Zloch, Z. |
Název - česky: | Složení potravin a výživový příjem 1-2 letých dětí dvou oblastí České republiky |
Jazyk publikace: | anglicky |
Datum vydání: | 1.1.2006 |
Rok vydání: | 2006 |
Typ publikace: | Článek z časopisu |
Název časopisu / knihy: | Acta Alimentaria |
Svazek: | 35 (1) |
Strana: | 33 - 40 |
ISBN: | 0139-3006 |
Klíčová slova
toddlers, dietary intake, food composition, breast-feeding
Klíčová slova v češtině
batolata, nutriční příjem, složení stravy, kojení
@ARTICLE{MullerovaD_2006_TheFoodComposition, author = {M\"{u}llerov\'{a}, D. and M\"{u}ller, L. and Schneiderov\'{a}, D. and Zloch, Z.}, title = {The Food Composition and Dietary Intake of 1-2 Years Old Children from Two Regions of the Czech Republic}, year = {2006}, journal = {Acta Alimentaria}, pages = {33-40}, series = {35 (1)}, ISBN = {0139-3006}, url = {}, }