Year: 2012
Author: Nováček Jiří, Janeček Petr, Janeček Eduard
PS robust state estimation software
Due to the increasing power production of renewable energy sources (RES) the current state estimation algorithms fail in some situations. This is caused by the numerical instability of commonly used algorithms. For this reason was developed the algorithm, which is based on numerical methods with guaranteed convergence.
Power system state estimation application, including the above-mentioned algorithm, was developed in the MATLAB development environment and uses object-oriented programming techniques. Functionality of the application provides script CEPS.m, that is the basic scriptand consequently corresponds to the main function known from commonly used programming languages. Basic functionality is created by calling the instance methods of objects. The application is currently compiled for operating system Linux as a console application. Application start is done from the command line (console) calling of the run_CEPS.sh. All parameters are passed also through the command line.
If other than the prescribed number of input parameters is used (Note: At least the first parameter (mcr) has to be specified!), the program terminates the following statement of the help text:
CEPS 1.1.149 OS Linux pro amd64 zkompilovan 05.12.2012
CEPS - na zaklade vstupnich souboru *.ved a *.in vypocte zvolenou metodou
odhad stavu soustavy a vysledky ulozi do souboru est_*.ved a est_*.in
budto do tehoz adresare, kde se nachazi vstupni data, nebo do adresare
specifikovaneho parametrem outPath.
run_CEPS.sh [mcr] [*.ved] [*.in] [metoda] [OPTION]
mcr - cesta k MATLAB Compiler Runtime
*.ved - vstupni soubor .ved
*.in - vstupni soubor .in
metoda - metoda vypoctu odhadu
1 - Vypocet Jacobiho matice pouze v prvnim kroku
2 - Vypocet Jacobiho matice v kazdem kroku
3 - Levenberg-Marquardt
4 - Backtracking Line Search
outPath - cesta pro ulozeni vystupnich souboru
If the application is running with all necessary and correct specified parameters - for example, as follows:
./run_CEPS.sh /usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v80/ parametry.ved mereni.in 4
statement may look like this:
Setting up environment variables
LD_LIBRARY_PATH is .:/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v80//runtime
Estimace zahajena 12.12.2012 12:12:12
Nacitani site
Soubor parametru: parametry.ved
Soubor mereni: mereni.in
Overeni a korekce dat
Estimace stavu pomoci metody c.4
Ukladani vysledku
Estimace probehla uspesne a trvala 12.12s
For testing purposes, the company ČEPS, a. s. provided data from the real operation of the transmission and part of distribution of power system.
SW is the outcome of the project TA01020865 whose economic benefit is defined as the proportion of relevant benefits of the project. The result will increase volume and profit applied research and eliminates ignorance of power system state.
For information please contact:
Eduard Janeček
Univerzitní 8
301 00 Plzeň
Email: janecek(at)kky.zcu.cz
Tel: +420 377 632 506
Confirmation of usage
The software was implemented in the MATLAB development environment and its behaviour was tested on offline data provided by ČEPS, a. s.
Contact form
This software is protected by license. To download or get more information, please fill in the form below: