Year: 2012
Author: NOVÁČEK, Jiří, JANEČEK, Petr, JANEČEK, Eduard
Robust power system state estimator in conditions increasing renewable energy production
Due to the increasing power production of renewable energy sources (RES) the current state estimators fail in some situations. This is caused by characteristics of numerical algorithms used in existing estimators. For this reason it was created PS robust state estimator (power system), which is based on algorithms with guaranteed convergence.
PS robust state estimator equipment includes server's hardware, software PS robust state estimation, data storage and interface (see block diagram).
The device was developed in 2012 and since then is integrated in the system of ČEPS, a. s., where works under the pilot plant. It allows to verify behaviour in routine operation. The benefit of the device is to prevent state information outages, which may cause the blackout and loss in the billions CZK.
For information please contact:
Eduard Janeček
Univerzitní 8
301 00 Plzeň
Email: janecek(at)kky.zcu.cz
Tel: +420 377 632 506
Confirmation of usage
The developed device has been integrated into the system of ČEPS, a. s., where works in the pilot plant to verify behaviour in routine operation.