Year: 2012
Author: Janeček Petr, Nováček Jiří, Janeček Eduard
Power system state estimator based on synchronous phasor measurement
In recent time there occurs a new type of PMU installation in power grid, which provide synchronously measured voltage and current phasors. Commonly used estimators this qualitatively better measurements can not provide. That is why a new estimator was suggested. Designed estimator is composed of estimation software, server hardware, interfaces and data storage. This estimator was integrated into the ČEZ as IS, the control center in Hradec Kralove in concrete. The system was operated in the pilot plant to verify behavior in the company's operations from March to December 2012.
More information can be obtained on request from riv@control.zcu.cz.
Contact for licence obtainment:
Eduard Janeček
Univerzitní 8
301 00 Plzeň
Email: janecek(at)kky.zcu.cz
Tel: +420 377 632 506
Confirmation of usage
This result is used into the IS ČEZ, a.s., in concrete in the control center in Hradec Kralove in concrete. The system was operated in the pilot plant to verify behavior in the company's operations from March to December 2012.