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Detail of publication


Balda, P. and Schlegel, M. : Automatické nastavování průmyslových regulátorů firmy SETEX . Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, REX Controls s.r.o., 2006.


The main highlight of RexTune is the new PID robust tuning method which never fails under the assumption that the process can be described with the sufficient precision by an arbitrary order lag / dead time transfer function. Therefore, this method gives satisfactory results also for dead time dominated processes (well-known as difficult to control), unlike the most existing methods. The automatic tuning with RexTune is very easy. Firstly we have to wait for a process steady state and set the tuning parameters such as the controller type to be designed, the amplitude of the process excitation pulse, the close loop speed required (Slow, Normal, Fast), and some others. Now, we simply press the button TUNE and all is done. RexTune program communicates with SETEX controllers using the OPC server.

Detail of publication

Title: Automatické nastavování průmyslových regulátorů firmy SETEX
Author: Balda, P. ; Schlegel, M.
Language: English
Date of publication: 1 Jan 2006
Year: 2006
Type of publication: Demonstration
Publisher: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, REX Controls s.r.o.
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PID controller, automatic tuning, OPC, frequency design, moment method


 author = {Balda, P. and Schlegel, M.},
 title = {Automatick\'{e} nastavov\'{a}n\'{i} pr\r{u}myslov\'{y}ch regul\'{a}tor\r{u} firmy SETEX},
 year = {2006},
 publisher = {Z\'{a}pado\v{c}esk\'{a} univerzita v Plzni, REX Controls s.r.o.},
 url = {},