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Campr Pavel and Dikici Erinç and Hrúz Marek and Kindiroglu Alp and Krňoul Zdeněk and Ronzhin Alexander and Sak Hasim and Schorno Daniel and Akarun Lale and Aran Oya and Karpov Alexey and Saraclar Murat and Železný Miloš : Automatic Fingersign to Speech Translator . eNTERFACE'10, 2010.

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eNTERFACE'10 workshop


The aim of this project is to help the communication of two people, one hearing impaired and one visually impaired by converting speech to fingerspelling and fingerspelling to speech. Fingerspelling is a subset of sign language, and uses finger signs to spell letters of the spoken or written language. We aim to convert finger spelled words to speech and vice versa. Different spoken languages and sign languages such as English, Russian, Turkish and Czech are considered.

Detail of publication

Title: Automatic Fingersign to Speech Translator
Author: Campr Pavel ; Dikici Erinç ; Hrúz Marek ; Kindiroglu Alp ; Krňoul Zdeněk ; Ronzhin Alexander ; Sak Hasim ; Schorno Daniel ; Akarun Lale ; Aran Oya ; Karpov Alexey ; Saraclar Murat ; Železný Miloš
Language: English
Date of publication: 1 Oct 2010
Year: 2010
Type of publication: Papers in proceedings of reviewed conferences
Title of journal or book: eNTERFACE'10
Date: 12 Jul 2010 - 6 Aug 2010
/ 2010-10-25 09:32:49 /


automatic sign recognition, speech recognition, speech synthesis, sign synthesis, translation


 author = {Campr Pavel and Dikici Erin? and Hr\'{u}z Marek and Kindiroglu Alp and Kr\v{n}oul Zden\v{e}k and Ronzhin Alexander and Sak Hasim and Schorno Daniel and Akarun Lale and Aran Oya and Karpov Alexey and Saraclar Murat and \v{Z}elezn\'{y} Milo\v{s}},
 title = {Automatic Fingersign to Speech Translator},
 year = {2010},
 journal = {eNTERFACE'10},
 url = {},