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Detail of publication


Ghoshal, A. and Ircing, P. and Khudanpur, S. : Hidden Markov models for automatic annotation and content-based retrieval of images and video . SIGIR, p. 544-551, ACM Press, New York, 2005.


This paper introduces a novel method for automatic annotation of images with keywords from a generic vocabulary of concepts or objects for the purpose of content-based image retrieval. An image is modeled as having been stochastically generated by a hidden Markov model, whose states represent concepts.

Detail of publication

Title: Hidden Markov models for automatic annotation and content-based retrieval of images and video
Author: Ghoshal, A. ; Ircing, P. ; Khudanpur, S.
Language: English
Date of publication: 15 Aug 2005
Year: 2005
Type of publication: Papers in proceedings of reviewed conferences
Title of journal or book: SIGIR
Page: 544 - 551
ISBN: 1-59593-034-5
Publisher: ACM Press
Address: New York
Date: 15 Aug 2005 - 19 Aug 2005
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Hidden Markov models, Image & video retrieval


 author = {Ghoshal, A. and Ircing, P. and Khudanpur, S.},
 title = {Hidden Markov models for automatic annotation and content-based retrieval of images and video},
 year = {2005},
 publisher = {ACM Press},
 journal = {SIGIR},
 address = {New York},
 pages = {544-551},
 ISBN = {1-59593-034-5},
 url = {},