Detail of publication
p. 629-634, SRCE, University of Zagreb, Cavtat, Croatia, 2010. : Approach to Solving the Task of Availability Prediction and Cost Optimization of a Steam Turbine . Poceedings of the ITI 2010,
This paper deals with approaches to solving the task of availability prediction and maintenance cost optimization of steam turbines in the Czech coal-fired power plants. There are presented commonly used methods for input data processing and for the availability modeling with using a data of breakdowns and repairs. Mentio-ned methodologies are compared considering the utilization for decision support in maintenance of steam turbines.
Detail of publication
Title: | Approach to Solving the Task of Availability Prediction and Cost Optimization of a Steam Turbine |
Author: | Jirsová Lenka ; Houdová Lucie ; Jelínek Libor ; Janeček Eduard |
Language: | English |
Year: | 2010 |
Type of publication: | Papers in proceedings of reviewed conferences |
Title of journal or book: | Poceedings of the ITI 2010 |
Page: | 629 - 634 |
ISBN: | 978-953-7138-18-9 |
Publisher: | SRCE, University of Zagreb |
Address: | Cavtat, Croatia |
Date: | 24 Jun 2010 |
availability prediction, cost optimization, data preprocessing, reliability analysis
@INPROCEEDINGS{JirsovaLenka_2010_ApproachtoSolving, author = {Jirsov\'{a} Lenka and Houdov\'{a} Lucie and Jel\'{i}nek Libor and Jane\v{c}ek Eduard}, title = {Approach to Solving the Task of Availability Prediction and Cost Optimization of a Steam Turbine}, year = {2010}, publisher = {SRCE, University of Zagreb}, journal = {Poceedings of the ITI 2010}, address = {Cavtat, Croatia}, pages = {629-634}, ISBN = {978-953-7138-18-9}, note = {cekam na UT ISI na web of science}, url = {}, }