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Kanis Jakub and Krňoul Zdeněk : Interactive HamNoSys Notation Editor for Signed Speech Annotation . p. 88-93, ELRA, 2008.

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This paper discusses the practice with an annotation of signs of signed speech and the creation of a domain-specific lexicon. The domain-specific lexicon is primarily proposed for an automatic signed speech synthesizer. The symbolic notation system based on HamNoSys notation has been adopted as a perspective solution for this purpose. We have developed two interactive editors: SignEditor and SLAPE which allow to create and to expand the lexicon. The first one is intended for the direct insertion of notation symbols and the second one is for more intuitive notation trough a graphical interface. The sign notations in both editors can be immediately converted into the avatar animation which is shown in the 3D space. At present, our lexicon contains more than 300 signs. This initial lexicon is targeted to the domain of information systems for train connections.

Detail of publication

Title: Interactive HamNoSys Notation Editor for Signed Speech Annotation
Author: Kanis Jakub ; Krňoul Zdeněk
Language: English
Date of publication: 1 Jun 2008
Year: 2008
Type of publication: Papers in proceedings of reviewed conferences
Page: 88 - 93
ISBN: 2-9517408-4-0
Publisher: ELRA
2008-10-14 13:45:18 / 2008-10-14 13:46:44 /


HamNoSys editor, signed speech


 author = {Kanis Jakub and Kr\v{n}oul Zden\v{e}k},
 title = {Interactive HamNoSys Notation Editor for Signed Speech Annotation},
 year = {2008},
 publisher = {ELRA},
 pages = {88-93},
 ISBN = {2-9517408-4-0},
 url = {},