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Mošna, J. and Melichar, J. and Pešek, P. : Constrained non-smooth optimization in dead-beat control of linear servosystems . Optimal Control Application and Methods, vol. 1, p. 19-34, 2005.


Motivated by the polynomial approach to the dead-beat ripple-free control of a continuous linear servosystem, the paper presents a new effective algorithm for non-smooth constrained optimization with design objectives applicable to both control and process variables. Constraints on closed-loop poles are introduced and their role in optimization and rejection of a finite-length continuous plant disturbances is examined. The solution is based on a new way of parametrization of the set of all admissible dead-beat ripple-free controllers and the constrained non-smooth optimization profits from its linear programming formulation.

Detail of publication

Title: Constrained non-smooth optimization in dead-beat control of linear servosystems
Author: Mošna, J. ; Melichar, J. ; Pešek, P.
Language: English
Date of publication: 1 Jan 2005
Year: 2005
Type of publication: Papers in journals
Title of journal or book: Optimal Control Application and Methods
Číslo vydání: 1
Page: 19 - 34
ISBN: 0143-2087
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linear servosystem •, dead-beat control, ripple-free control, disturbance rejection, constrained optimization, mathematical programming


 author = {Mo\v{s}na, J. and Melichar, J. and Pe\v{s}ek, P.},
 title = {Constrained non-smooth optimization in dead-beat control of linear servosystems},
 year = {2005},
 journal = {Optimal Control Application and Methods},
 volume = {1},
 pages = {19-34},
 ISBN = {0143-2087},
 url = {},