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Padrta, A. and Radová, V. : On the amount of speech data necessary for successful speaker identification . EUROSPEECH 2003 PROCEEDINGS, p. 3021-3024, ISCA, Geneva, 2003.

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The paper deals with the dependence between the speaker identification performance and the amount of test data. Three speaker identification procedures based on hidden Markov models (HMMs) of phonemes are presented here. One, which is quite commonly used in the speaker recognition systems based on HMMs, uses the likelihood of the whole utterance for speaker identification. The other two that are proposed in this paper are based on the majority voting rule. The experiments were performed for two different situations: either both training and test data were obtained from the same channel, or they were obtained from different channels. All experiments show that the proposed speaker identification procedure based on the majority voting rule for sequences of phonemes allows us to reduce the amount of test data necessary for successful speaker identification.

Detail of publication

Title: On the amount of speech data necessary for successful speaker identification
Author: Padrta, A. ; Radová, V.
Language: English
Date of publication: 1 Sep 2003
Year: 2003
Type of publication: Papers in proceedings of reviewed conferences
Title of journal or book: EUROSPEECH 2003 PROCEEDINGS
Page: 3021 - 3024
Publisher: ISCA
Address: Geneva
Date: 1 Sep 2003 - 4 Sep 2003
/ 2011-06-07 10:02:11 /


speaker identification, closed set, reduction of amount of test data, HMM based approach


 author = {Padrta, A. and Radov\'{a}, V.},
 title = {On the amount of speech data necessary for successful speaker identification},
 year = {2003},
 publisher = {ISCA},
 address = {Geneva},
 pages = {3021-3024},
 url = {},